Morality seems to be changing faster than a Marvel movie plot these days. Things that were wrong until recent times are now celebrated as virtuous while the things that were right are suddenly considered wrong. Is someone in charge of all this? And who?
· If politicians are running morality, isn’t that horribly dangerous to a free society? A government that controls morality has absolute power and can make all of its actions moral, justifying abuses of power. As the quote goes, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
· If the media is dictating morality, then the media has become the de facto government and the same applies as if the government is in charge.
· If corporations are in charge of morality, then a financial incentive becomes the driver of morality. What a scary concept!
· If voters are in charge of morality, the majority will relegate the minority to a lesser status and the morality of an ever-fickle populace will one day legalize everything that appeals to most people at the time and outlaw anything that stands in their way. Hmm…that gives a lot of power back to the media.
You see, despite what you may have heard on a TED talk, humans cannot determine their own morality and remain a free people. There must be an objective moral compass that does not change or a society will plunge into the dictates of tyranny.
The only unchanging objective moral compass known to man is the Bible. It is the only moral compass that has birthed and sustained free societies, yet we as a people are in the process of rejecting it as our standard. How much longer can we remain free with the direction we are going? God only knows, but I am confident it won’t be much longer.