The world seems to be losing its collective mind these days. We see supply shortages, exorbitant inflation, uncontrolled violence, the sexualization of children and much more. Many people seem to think that it is fine – all necessary steps to their end goal. But what exactly is the end goal?
Our police are being defunded or their hands are tied while violent crime skyrockets, but "that’s ok" we are told.
Fuel prices are rising almost daily, but “that’s ok” we are told.
Kids are being taught they are intrinsically racist or victims of racism because of their skin color, but “that’s ok” we are told.
Kids are being taught that sex is not sacred, but just "entertainment,” and a "preference" and that they can change or even eliminate their gender before they can even understand what it is, but “that’s ok” we are told.
If you believe there is no God, this may be ok to you – all part of the “fix” for nations to cede power to a global government who will then regulate everything we do, saving the planet and allowing mankind to evolve to a higher state. Is that really rational or even possible?
If you understand that there is a God who created everything, you see that things are very wrong in our global society and no governmental body can possibly come close to fixing it.
No, the problems of this world can only be fixed by the one who assembled it in the first place – the one who knows how it all should fit together. Knowing God’s plan is incredibly freeing as we can trust Him seeing He is working all things out for Good to those who love Him. Yes, everything will be alright one day. Justice will be served to all by the only one that can mete out true justice. That day, we will finally have rest from the evils that plague us and there will be true freedom.
While we wait for that day however, we can know freedom and peace as we trust Him, talk to Him and see Him work in our daily lives. When you hear the words “Jesus Saves!” it is not just a trite abstract statement. It means He is in the world saving us here, now and in the future.